Monday, September 9, 2013

Naps are the best

I know I complain about my humans sometimes.  My mom’s pretty cool and my dad is completely dense, not quite as bad as Marty but they are humans.  They occasionally do get some things right, like nap time.  As a cat I love naps, all cats do.  Hence the word cat naps.  My dad understands this, and I think it is because he is a fellow napper, one of the few things I admire about him.  In my house, my options for where I sleep are unlimited.  I have two couches, a huge bed with lots of pillows and sheets, and even a couple of carpeted cat trees.  However, I won’t sleep on those.  My favorite places in the house to sleep are the laundry hampers and the bathroom sink.

My humans have two laundry hampers, and I love to jump in and snuggle on the pile of clothes.  It’s a great place to sleep, soft and cushy, especially when the clothes are fresh and warm.  The humans tend to get upset when I sleep on the clean and warm clothes.  I figure if they don’t want me sleeping on the clothes, they shouldn't leave them in the hamper where they know I like to nap.  The other thing I like about the hampers, they are in the closet where it’s dark and Marty doesn't bother me.  

My other favorite spot to nap is the bathroom sink.  The second sink in the bathroom was used by the last female human my dad lived with, but when she left, I took the sink over. By itself it’s too cold and hard to be comfortable but dad has a habit of leaving a small towel or shirt in it to soften it up for me.  I can curl up in the round sink, and it’s the perfect fit to hold me while I nap.  It makes me nervous being under a water faucet, but I think dad knows if he ever turned it on when I was in the sink, he’d need to watch his back.  I would have Marty assassinate him in his sleep that night.  He knows I control Marty and can turn mommy against him.  The sink is in the bathroom is also a Marty free zone.  

When the sink or hampers get old, I still have a big bed and two couches.  I also have the cushioned kitchen chairs and a window sill to nap in.  Nap time is the only thing my humans get right.  I only run into a problem when daddy takes my spot on the couch, then I have to bite and claw his toes to get him to get out of my territory.  

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever visited Cats In Sinks? ( They take submissions. You could become the next Cats In Sinks celebrity!
